October 26, 2009

Short shop closure, new winter limited scents, new product...


Hello all!  Great news - the new winter limited edition scents will be coming out next week and, in anticipation of that big event, I needed to close shop so I can finish my current orders and finish whipping up batches of the new scents, taking pics, etc. so that I'll be able to list everything for you quickly!  I'll be online everyday to check convos, so I will be in touch with you soon if you contact me! 


Butter Rum Cafe ■ (a returning favorite from last winter)
Imagine a warm, frothy mug of sweet, creamy cappuccino with a generous splash (or two) of deliciously smooth butter rum. A delightful, rich buttery fragrance that's perfect for the cold days of winter!

Candy Canes ■  (a returning favorite from last winter)
What better to represent the cool winter season than sweet peppermint-y candy canes? This scent is a burst of fresh, clean peppermint with a definite hint of sweetness that you'd get when eating a real candy cane! A cool minty treat!

Chocolate Orange ■ (a returning favorite from last winter)
If you've ever enjoyed one of those big chocolate candy oranges that you have to slam & break into pieces, then you will LOVE this delicious scent. Sweet, rich chocolate and tangy, juicy orange fragrances blend perfectly in this yummy treat!

Winter Woods ■  (NEW)
Winter wonderland in a bottle!  Imagine a long walk through a winter forest and fill your sense with rich woods & greens - Siberian fir, balsam, cypress, and pine needle scents with a hint of cinnamon, cardamom, and other winter spices to warm you up.


There  will be a new product in the shop soon (if not on 11/2 then VERY SOON thereafter)...it will only be available in the new Winter LE scents listed above, but if it goes over well, then I have plans to expand it to all the other standard scents.

It's a secret!  Anyone wanna guess what it will be?


Anonymous said...

Body oil? I hope it's body oil!

Donna said...

Good guess (I see you've been paying attention to my website!!)...but it's not here just yet. The body oils are still being tweaked and will arrive in early 2010 (by Feb. at the latest).

So, it's something else that people have been asking me for... ;)

Dawna said...

Body Wash? :DDD

Donna said...

Nope - not yet (that's another project for next year)! lol

OK, since you guys are interested, I'll give you a big hint...if you look at my etsy shop sections, you'll see the new product and arrival date! ;)